Selasa, 19 Mei 2015



Menurutlogikasaya, waktuhanyadibagimenjadi 3 bagian:
a.              Presentataurutinitas. Contoh: I goto school everyday –>PresentTense, kata kerjanyahanyamenggunakanVerb I.
b.             Pastataulampau. Contoh: I went to school yesterday –>PastTense, kata kerjanyamenggunakanVerb 2.
c.              Futureatau yang akandatang. Contoh: I will go to school tomorrow –>Futuretense, kata kerjanyakembalimenggunakanVerb 1, tapisebelum kata kerja, ditambahkanwill.

A.            Present Tense(Verb 1).
Tenses is about Time and things that change with time are Verbs.Present tensesendiriada 4 tenses, yakni:
a.              Simple Present Tense, (Untukmenyatakankeadaan yang sekarang, atausesuatu yang berulang/ rutinitas).
S + V1
(+)     I go to school everyday.
( -)    I don’t go to school everyday.
(?)     Do you go to school everyday?
Khususuntuk Subject orang ke-3, maka kata kerjanyaditambahkan -s/-es:
(+)     Amir goes to school everyday –> kata kerjanya go, tapikarenasubjeknya Amir (orangke-3), maka kata go ditambahkan -es = goes.
(-)     He doesn’t go to school everyday –>Bentuknegatifnya, karenasebelum kata kerja go,kata don’t sudahdiubahmenjadi doesn’t makakata go jangandiubahlagimenjadi goes.
(?)     Does Amir go to school everyday? –>Sama, karenasudahadaDoes, maka kata gojangandiubahmenjadigoeslagi.
Hal yang samaberlakuuntuk kata kerjalainnya, seperti have –> Has.Inijugabentuk simple present tense. Tapibedanya, tidakada VERB disini, makanyadigantidengan To Be.
S + to be + ….
(+)     I am a student.
( -)    I am not a student.
(?)     Are you a student?
Verb danTo betidakbisaberdampingan. Pastihanyasalahsatunyasaja yang ada, contoh:
I agree –>Benar
I’m agree –> Salah, karenaadaTo be (am) dan Verb (agree)
Maka:Tenses is about Time and things that change with time are Verbs/To Be …. (1.1)
Kalautidakada Verb, yang pastiberubahadalah To Be-nya.

b.             Present Continuous Tense, (Untukmenyatakankeadaan/aksi yang sedangberlangsungsekarang).
S + to be + V-ing
(+)     I am studying now.
(- )    I’m not studying now.
(?)     Are you studying now?
c.              Present Perfect Tense, (Untukmenyatakankeadaan/aksi yang baru-barusajaterjadiataulampau).
S + have/has + Verb 3
(+)     I have eaten the apple.
(- )    I haven’t eaten the apple.
(?)     Have you eaten the apple?
Present perfect tense merupakansatu-satunya tenses yang menggunakanVerb 3 (bentukketiga).Contoh:
Verb 1= eat Verb 2= ate Verb 3= eaten
kata “eat” mempunyai 3 bentuk, dikarenakan “eat” tergolongkedalamIrregular Verb, makaperubahannyaharusDIHAPAL. Akan dibahaslebihlanjut di PAST TENSE.

d.             Present Perfect Continuous Tense, (Untukmenyatakansudahberapa lama suatukeadaan/aksiberlangsung).
S + have/has + been + V-ing + Time marker
(+)     I have been studying English for two years.
(- )    I haven’t been studying English for two years.
(?)     Have you been studying English for two years?
Penekananpada Present perfect continuous tense adalahpadaperiode (durasi) suatuaksi. Bukanpadaaksinyaitusendiri. Beda dengan Present Continuous Tense yang menekankanpadaaksi.

B.            Past Tense (Verb 2)
semuacontoh yang tadisudahdisebutkandalambentuk Present Tense, akandiubahmenjadiPAST TENSE

a.             Bentuk Present Tense, diubahmenjadiPAST TENSE
Berdasarkan (1.1) sayamengubah Verb 1 menjadi Verb 2 sehinggaformnyamenjadi :
S + Verb 2
(+)     I go to school everyday –> I went to school yesterday
( -)     I don’t go to school everyday –> I didn’tgo to school yesterday –>samadengan does
(?)     Do you go to school everyday? –>Did you go to school yesterday?–>lihat ‘does’
Form: S + to be + ….
dengan (1.1) karenatidakada VERB, maka yang diubahadalahTo Be-nya (To be dalambentuk past: was, were)
(+)     I was a student
( -)     I was not a student
(?)     Were you a student?
b.             Present Continuous Tense –>ubahmenjadiPast Continuous Tense
S + to be + V-ing
yangdiubahTO BEnya, bukan verb-ingnya. Contoh: Ingat (1.1) kalaugakadaVERB, yang diubahituTO BE
(+)     I was studying last night
(- )     I wasn’t studying last night
(?)     Were you studying last night?

c.             Present Perfect Tense –>ubahmenjadiPast Perfect Tense
S + have/has + Verb 3
Verb 3 tidakdiubah. pada formula ini, yang diubahadalahhave/has (inikanVERBya?) menjadilampau: HAD
(+)     I had eaten the apple
(- )     I hadn’t eaten the apple
(?)     Had you eaten the apple?

d.             Present Perfect Continuous Tense –>ubahmenjadiPast Perfect Continuous Tense
S + have/has + been + V-ing + Time marker
samadengan Past perfect tense,yang diubahadalahhave –> had
(+)     I had been studying English for two years before I came to theUSA.
(- )     I hadn’t been studying English for two years before I came to theUSA.
(?)     Had you been studying English for two years before you came to theUSA?

C.            Future Tense menggunakanWill+Verb 1 (bentukdasar)
Kunci future tense, sebelumVERB, ditambahkanwill ataube going to. VERB-nyasendiri. hanyamenggunakanbentukdasar (gakditambahkan -s/-eslagiwalausubjeknya orang ketiga, lihat simple present tense).
Sekilasmengenaiwill danbe going to,Penggunaankeduanyamiripdanhampirtidakadaperbedaan. Keduanyabisadigunakanuntukmenyatakanrencana, contoh:
I will go to school tomorrow –>Sayaakanpergikesekolahbesok
Be+Going to:
I am going to go to school tomorrow –>Sayaakanpergikesekolahbesok, “going to” berartiAKAN, iniBUKAN VERB darikalimatini, makanyasetelahbe+going to, masihada verb bentukdasar “go”. Kesalahan yang seringterjadi, “going to” dianggapmenjadi verb terutamauntukkalimat yang menggunakan kata “pergi” sehinggaseringkalilupaditambahkan VERB “go” sendiri. Kalausepertiitu, makaakanjadi Present continuous tense bukan?
Perbedaan yang temui:
Hanya will saja yang digunakanuntukmenyatakan “kesanggupan“. Contoh:
Teacher: “Could someone open the door please?”
Amir: “I will open the door, ma’am.”
–>menyatakankesanggupanAmir untukmembukapintu. Karenaalasanini, sayalebihmemilihmenggunakan will ketimbangbe+going to selamamasihmemungkinkan.
a.             Simple Present Tense –>ubahmenjadiSimple Future Tense
S + Verb 1
tambahkanwill sebelumVERB. Maka, formnyamenjadi :
S + Will+Verb 1
(+)     I go to school everyday –> I will go to school tomorrow
( -)     I don’t go to school everyday –> I won’tgo to school tomorrow
(?)     Do you go to school everyday? –>Will you go to school tomorrow?
S + to be + ….
dengan (1.1) karenatidakada VERB, makasebelum to be,ditambahkanwill (To Be bentuk future: Be).Formnyajadi:

(+)     I will be a student tomorrow
( -)     I won’t be a student tomorrow
(?)     Will you be a student tomorrow?

b.             Present Continuous Tense –>ubahmenjadiFuture Continuous Tense
S + to be + V-ing
sama, sebelum to be, tambahkanwill.Formnyamenjadi:
(+)     I will be studying before the test tomorrow.
(- )     I won’t be studying before the test tomorrow.
(?)     Will you be studying before the test tomorrow?
c.             Present Perfect Tense –>UbahmenjadiFuture Perfect Tense
S + have/has + Verb 3
Verb 3 tidakdiubah. pada formula ini, sebelumhave/hasditambahkanwillcontoh:
(+)     I will have eaten the apple before you come to the class tomorrow
(- )     I won’t have eaten the apple before you come to the class tomorrow
(?)     Will you have eaten the apple before you come to the class tomorrow?
d.             Present Perfect Continuous Tense
S + have/has + been + V-ing + Time marker
samadengan Future perfect tense,tambahkan will sebelum have. Contoh:
(+)     I will have been studying English for two years before I came to theUSA.
(- )     I won’t have been studying English for two years before I came to theUSA.
(?)     Will you have been studying English for two years before you came to theUSA?

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